Advanced Tables
This example enables the following features in tables:
- Split cells
- Cell background color
- Cell text color
- Table row and column headers
Relevant Docs:
import "@blocknote/core/fonts/inter.css";
import { BlockNoteView } from "@blocknote/mantine";
import "@blocknote/mantine/style.css";
import { useCreateBlockNote } from "@blocknote/react";
export default function App() {
// Creates a new editor instance.
const editor = useCreateBlockNote({
// This enables the advanced table features
tables: {
splitCells: true,
cellBackgroundColor: true,
cellTextColor: true,
headers: true,
initialContent: [
id: "7e498b3d-d42e-4ade-9be0-054b292715ea",
type: "heading",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
level: 2,
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Advanced Tables",
styles: {},
children: [],
id: "cbf287c6-770b-413a-bff5-ad490a0b562a",
type: "table",
props: {
textColor: "default",
content: {
type: "tableContent",
columnWidths: [199, 148, 201],
headerRows: 1,
rows: [
cells: [
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "This row has headers",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "default",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "center",
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "This is ",
styles: {},
type: "text",
text: "RED",
styles: {
bold: true,
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "red",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "center",
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Text is Blue",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "default",
textColor: "blue",
textAlignment: "center",
cells: [
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "This spans 2 columns\nand 2 rows",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 2,
rowspan: 2,
backgroundColor: "yellow",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Sooo many features",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "gray",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
cells: [
type: "tableCell",
content: [],
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "gray",
textColor: "purple",
textAlignment: "left",
cells: [
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "A cell",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "default",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Another Cell",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "default",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "right",
type: "tableCell",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Aligned center",
styles: {},
props: {
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
backgroundColor: "default",
textColor: "default",
textAlignment: "center",
children: [],
id: "16e76a94-74e5-42e2-b461-fc9da9f381f7",
type: "paragraph",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Featuring:",
styles: {},
children: [
id: "785fc9f7-8554-47f4-a4df-8fe2f1438cac",
type: "bulletListItem",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Cell background & foreground coloring",
styles: {},
children: [],
id: "1d0adf08-1b42-421a-b9ea-b3125dcc96d9",
type: "bulletListItem",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Splitting & merging cells",
styles: {},
children: [],
id: "99991aa7-9d86-4d06-9073-b1a9c0329062",
type: "bulletListItem",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "Header row & column",
styles: {},
children: [],
id: "c7bf2a7c-8972-44f1-acd8-cf60fa734068",
type: "paragraph",
props: {
textColor: "default",
backgroundColor: "default",
textAlignment: "left",
content: [],
children: [],
// Renders the editor instance using a React component.
return <BlockNoteView editor={editor}></BlockNoteView>;